March 23, 2010

What I've been doing

Wong-O-Wong, has it really been a month? I really don't know why it's been so long since I've made a post. I've been doing stuff, just haven't been in the mood to blog about it.

The following is some photographic evidence of said stuff:

My quilt finally finished!

Backside of the quilt

Ida B. and me getting some use out of the quilt

Sewing machine cover

Kitchen curtains

My kitchen herb garden

Bunting for Ida B

My new quilt I'm working on (still need to quilt the second half and bind it)


Sarah said...

Holy macaroon trees! You have been busy!

I love all of it :) Particularly the sign for Ida B.


Unknown said...

Wow! You have been busy -what do you mean you've been unmotivated? Ida B is a lucky doggie -almost as lucky as I'm am to have such a fabulous daughter. Now go make me one of those sewing machine covers, will you? Mine feels naked.

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